Saturday, April 29, 2006

Letter on ID cards to Walthamstow Guardian

The Walthamstow Guardian issue dated April 27 2006 published the following letter (letters page not online) from me about ID cards and the local election, under the headline `Back candidate who will fight ID cards all the way':

Dear Editor,

Although there are important local issues to consider in the Local Elections on 4th May, many people will be be voting on national issues. Personally, I am deeply concerned about the Government's continuing attacks on our civil liberties.

So I wrote to all 10 candidates in William Morris ward to ask them their views on the Government's ID card plans, and whether they would support a Council motion against forcing people to produce ID cards to get Council services. (The Government plans to force everyone to have an ID card and produce it to get basic services. This will enable it to keep track of where we are and what we do on a daily basis).

So far I have had replies from 2 Conservative, 2 Labour and 2 Liberal Democrat candidates. All have said that they are against ID cards, and that they would personally support a Council motion against them.

However, the Labour candidates said they would only vote for such a motion if the Labour Group on the Council agreed. So although I would urge everyone to only vote for a candidate who opposes ID cards, it is also vital that he or she will vote for a Council motion against them.

Please ask for your local candidates' attitudes before considering voting for them. This may be a last chance to preserve some freedom against state intrusion into every aspect of our private lives.

Yours sincerely,

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