As the Rolling Stones once memorably told us, `you can't always get what you want'. The good ole USA destabilises, undermines, and invades other countries - supposedly in the name of democracy. But when they get it, they don't like it. For example, the current attempt to starve out the Palestinians for voting for the `wrong' party.
Little Georgie Bush doesn't like Hamas (so naturally his creepy hanger-on Tony doesn't like them either). Hamas came to power (insofar as they have any) in a democratic election. No problem. Just put the pressure on international aid-givers to stop them from providing the supplies the Palestinians need to live (while Israel prevents them from getting at their own money).
Result - starvation, and the eruption of feuding between democratically-elected Hamas and Georgie's chosen ones, Fatah. Those Palestinians just haven't got the hang of democracy yet. You're supposed to look at the choices (if there are any) then do as the USA tells you - after all, that's what we do in `democratic' Britain.
The good people at War On Want don't accept this. You shouldn't either. What can you do? For a start, how about writing to your Members of the European Parliament to urge the suspension of the EU-Israel Association Agreement - under which Israel receives trading preferences - until Israel stops violating the Palestinians rights.
This is my letter to the London MEPs:
"I am writing as a constituent of yours. I am very concerned about the current situation in Palestine. UN reports reveal that 60% of Palestinians are now living in acute poverty and that over half of all Palestinians are completely dependent on food aid. These increases in poverty are a direct result of Israel’s Occupation of the Palestinian Territories and its intensification of action against the Palestinian people over the past four years.
The UK Government’s policy of close engagement has failed to produce any significant results. Neither Britain nor the EC seems to be reacting with appropriate concern to the recent killing of so many Palestinians on the beach in Gaza - not the first time such an event has occurred. It is now time for action to pressure the Israeli government to abide by international law.
The EU must suspend the EU-Israel Association Agreement, under which Israel enjoys trading preferences with the EU. Article 2 of that Agreement makes Israel’s trading preferences conditional upon respect for human rights, a condition which UN specialists say has been breached by Israel’s continued violation of Palestinians’ rights. I urge the British government to press for this suspension immediately and to halt all arms sales to Israel until the Occupation is brought to an end, and I would ask you to take this matter forward in the European Parliament.
Thank you for your time.
Yours sincerely,
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