Apparently, Sir Ian Blair, the well-known liar about the police murder of Jean Charles de Menezes at Stockwell tube station on 22 July 2005, is worried about rising gun crime - not including, of course, the murder of de Menezes which is currently undergoing multiple coats of whitewash on Blair's behalf. So we Londoners are to be treated to an increase in the numbers of de Menezes' murderers - up to 200 extra armed police apparently, even before the official whitewash is out.
So who gets it next - me, you, a friend or relative of mine or yours, or most likely a total stranger (so that's alright then). Of course Blair, and his evil twin our war criminal prime minister couldn't care less how many innocents the police shoot (how many have died in Iraq now?) as long as there's no publicity. (By the way, you'd better carry some ID if you want to be identified). Or as long as they can claim that he or she `vaulted the barrier' or `was wearing unseasonal clothing', and not get found out about it.
Even if there is publicity they can always rely on official cover-ups, and our complacent `free press'. How long have the investigators into de Menezes' murder been sitting on their spotty arses now waiting for the heat to die down so they can issue their official cover-up and Cur Ian Blair can claim vindication for the casual murder of an innocent on behalf of Tony Blair's policy of licking the arse of the Butcher of Fallujah (George W.Bush if you have to ask, but I'm sure you don't)? How long does it take to establish the truth about state-sanctioned murder (the answer - forever, if necessary).
Then again, they can always rely on the good-old BBC, sustained by our licence-fees to feed us lies on the evil twins behalf. Jean Charles de Menezes was `mistakenly killed' if you believe BBC Newsroom South-East, or whatever their Blairite propaganda broadcasts are called these days. If Emily Maitliss is going to read such barefaced lies straightfaced to camera surely she should be smeared in the blood of the kill, how else are the boys in blue really going to enjoy their work. Let's not be shamefaced about it. After all, he's just the first of many, we have to get used to these things. Who knows, you may be next. And if you won't get off your fat arse to complain aboout the murder of the innocent Mr de Menezes, who's going to complain about yours? Not the BBC, that's for sure (or the `Independent' Police Complaints Commission).
We are ruled by scum, and nobody gives a toss.
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