Tuesday, July 18, 2006

BBC News lacks balance - so what else is new?

The BBC's coverage of the current tragic events in the Middle East is as unbalanced as we have come to expect. The usual kinds of bias were on show in last night's Ten o'Clock News:

Dear BBC,

Gavin Hewitt's piece on the current strife in the Middle
East was not a balanced report. For example, he asked Lebanese refugees in an
aggressive, accusatory way whether they agreed with Hezbollah firing rockets
into Israel. No such questions about Israel bombing and killing civilians were
put to Israelis.

Also, the order of events is being fudged as well as
the comparative scale. Israel attacked civilians first, on a massive scale.
Hezbollah fired rockets into Israel only after this happened. Civilian deaths on
any side are reprehensible, but why is it that the far fewer Israeli casulaties
are given much greater prominence than the many more Lebanese casualties?

Once again the BBC has failed to provide even-handed reports, instead
propagandising on behalf of the Israelis.



It really is quite stunning that a British news service, funded by British licence-fee payers, should see its role as propagandising on behalf of Israel. Of course, Israel has numerous supporters in this country, and some of them are quite prepared to justify Israel's state terrorism against its neighbours (step forward Maureen Lipman). But it is certain that there is a majority that does not want to see either Israel attacking Lebanon's infrastructure, or Hezbollah attacking Haifa. So why does the BBC see fit to side with the minority against the majority?

Because the British government is a US plaything, and the USA is the principal backer of Israeli state terrorism. It is to the immense shame of both the British government, and the BBC, that they are so gutless and spineless.

You can let the BBC know what you think here.

UPDATE: This is absolutely essential reading. A detailed analysis of the BBC's disgraceful, spineless pro-Israel propaganda.

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