Saturday, July 30, 2005

Immediate Withdrawal from Iraq

Surprise, surprise, The Independent had the good taste to publish this letter on 1st August (wake up Guardian letters editor!). This was a response to Douglas Hurd's relatively honest column on Iraq in The Independent on 28th July.

Dear Editor,

In his otherwise interesting column in Thursday's Independent Douglas Hurd repeated a tired old piece of propaganda, i.e. `There is no case for immediate withdrawal of British and American troops'.

British and US politicians seemingly never tire of repeating this nonsense. The fact is that coalition troops make the situation worse in Iraq every day. It is also true that Sunnis and Shia got along without major problems before the invasion - the communities are intermarried and were certainly not at each others throats before the US interim administration under Paul Bremer began to use `divide and rule' as a tactic to govern the country. A tactic that has been continued and developed ever since.

The way to put a stop to this is to immediately withdraw all foreign troops. US and UK politicians claim there would be civil strife if troops were withdrawn, but this is not the real reason for their objections. They have shown us that they place little value on Iraqi lives, and civil strife would not bother them in the slightest. Their problem is that they want a pliable puppet regime in Baghdad, and they know that immediate withdrawal will undermine that aim.

As usual, our politicians are incapable of expressing their real motivations for their actions but hide them under the pretence of caring about human rights.

Yours faithfully,


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