Tuesday, July 26, 2005


So what is it with this term `Decent Left'. This is, apparently, a descriptive term for those (allegedly) on the Left who support US neo-imperialism (you know, the mass murder of civilians in Afghanistan, Iran, and elsewhere so the USA can control oil, etc in its own interests). What exactly is decent about that?

So, in the interests of transparency I propose we call them the War Criminal Left. That is a far more accurate description of their politics. Or, if that's too unwieldy, how about `hitchenofascists'. Que? Well, a prime representative of the War Criminal Left is of course Christopher Hitchens. He coined the term `islamofascists' for the islamic jihadists. This term has a spuriously analytical ring to it. In fact, it's just a term of abuse.

So my term of abuse for Hitchens, Aaronovich, Hari, Nick Cohen and all the other supporters of war crimes on `the Left' is Hitchenofascists. Well, that's the printable version, anyway.

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