Saturday, July 30, 2005

Roy Hattersley - Blithering Idiot

This is an unpublished letter to The Guardian in response to Roy Hattersley's column of 18th July, lauding
Tony Blair's response to the London bombs.

Dear Editor,

So Tony Blair has had "the two most impressive weeks of his political career" (Roy Hattersley 18th July). Furthermore, he is "universally acknowledged to have responded superbly to the threat of terror". Is there any chance of Mr Hattersley poking his head out of the Westminster bubble and having a look at the real world?

Although it isn't reflected in Parliament (with the honourable exception of George Galloway) and is only partially reflected in the media, many people would disagree with such sentiments. Tony Blair responded to the London bombings with his usual performance of sincerity. How can you tell? Because of the way he inserted...long...pauses...between...his...words for effect. He learnt this effect for Princess Diana's funeral and has been inflicting it on us ever since when ever `sincerity' is required.

Furthermore, he has continued to lie about Iraq. As telling the truth now would undermine all his past mendacities he maintains that our tailcoating of US neo-imperialism and involvement in war crimes has nothing to do with us being targets for terrorism. Roy Hattersley may have been born yesterday, most of us were not.

Far from having had a "golden 14 days", Tony Blair has continued to act without decency, honesty or integrity. In this, he insults us all.

Yours faithfully,


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