This is an unpublished letter to The Independent on 14th July about Blair's attempt to suppress the link between his war crimes in Iraq and the London bombings.
Dear Editor,
In the wake of the London bombings Tony Blair lost no time in proclaiming that Iraq had nothing to do with it, choosing instead to echo George W.Bush's claim that the terrorists were bombing us because they hate our civilisation. One of the world's leading experts on suicide bombers does not agree with him.
Associate Professor Robert Pape of the University of Chicago has the world's largest database of information about suicide bombers. In answer to the question "How much weight would you put on a cultural rejection of the West and how much weight on the presence of American troops on Muslim territory [as the motivation for suicide bombing]?" he replied, "The evidence shows that the presence of American troops is clearly the pivotal factor". He also quotes from a captured Al-Qaeda planning document which shows the Madrid attack was a deliberate attempt to affect Aznar's support for George Bush. The lesson is clear - terrorist outrages against us are conducted as a strategic attempt to force our withdrawal from the illegal occupation of Iraq - not because they hate our civilisation. Otherwise how do we answer Osama bin Laden's question, "Why do we not bomb Sweden"?
There is a great deal more fascinating information in this interview which there is no space for here. Anyone who would like to read it can find it here. It is time for the Blairites to stop hurling personal abuse at those (such as George Galloway) who attempt to discuss the real causes of terrorism in this country. We need the truth to prevent terrorism, not US-inspired propaganda.
Yours faithfully,
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