Saturday, July 30, 2005

Letter on the London Bombings of 7th July

This unpublished letter to The Guardian (dated 8th July) was my response to the London bombings of the day before.

Dear Sir or Madam,

Osama bin Laden has been quoted as saying, "If you bomb our cities, we'll bomb yours". War crimes visited upon innocent Iraqis have now been inflicted on innocent Londoners. The majority of Londoners opposed the illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq and do not deserve to suffer this - no more than do the Iraqis.

Now we face the grotesque probability that those responsible for this situation - the British Government - will try to use these crimes to force through measures to abrogate our civil liberties, thus further compounding their original crimes against humanity. Such measures will do absolutely nothing to stop terrorists. They will however make it more difficult to oppose the criminal activities of our own government - the real aim.

The only way to fight this terrorism is to deal with our own crimes. British troops in Iraq must be withdrawn immediately; and the war criminals in the British Government must be kicked out. Nothing else will stop these attacks, and put an end to the mass murder of civilians carried out in our name in Iraq.

Yours faithfully,


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